Blogging combined with RSS feeds and a commitment to posting would allow individuals to share anything with the world at anytime. In education we are consistently in pursuit of knowledge. Blogging could be the vehicle to deliver information freely with relevance to an audience in search of answers. I use other peoples' blogs to gather information in mass quantities. I see benefits in this beyond any other tool for gathering information.
This is what I do... I have complied a blog list in "Google Reader." As I come across a blog that is relevant to me, either personally or professionally, I subscribe to that blog via a RSS feed. That feed will deliver any new post to my Google Reader account instantly. This allows me to review and possibly read from hundreds of blogs in one place at one time. I call it my own personal electronic newspaper, delivered daily, with only the information I want. The reader allows me to save relevant posts and discard the less relevant.
In our Superintendent course we are required to create a blog. Well, if we would all place the RSS feed gadget on our blogs, we could go through the steps above and receive any new post without having to navigate through around 11 blogs.
This is one tool I love. It makes my life easier. It allows me to access the huge bank of information on the internet without the burden of searching. It is delivered to me. So as I look to uses for blogs in education, I can see the benefit for sharing, but the larger benefit is compiling that information from multiple sources. It changed my life.
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