Saturday, September 17, 2011

Week 4 Part 4

I took advantage of our Business Manager’s time with this part.  When I asked her about our district's total personnel salaries as a percentage of the total district budget, she responded with some percentages lower than some other districts in our group. Our personnel salaries totals 75% of our Operating and 72% of all funds.  When I asked her about the impact of a 5% salary increase for all personnel, her response was rather predictable. A 5% increase on all salaries would not break our district and would in fact be a huge morale boost.  The huge question would be where do we cut in order to make this happen.  Our district will receive about a half a million dollars less in revenue from the state in 11-12, and has cut budgets tremendously to minimize the impact of that loss in revenue.  So to implement a 5% raise would have to eliminate expenditures somewhere else.  So although possible it would cause some other program to suffer.

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