Saturday, September 24, 2011

Week 5 Part 1 - Code of Ethics for School Leaders

Examples, from around Texas, of a violation of
TAC, Chapter 247, Rule 247.2 -1.2 The educator shall not knowingly misappropriate, divert, or use monies, personnel, property, or equipment committed to his or her charge for personal gain or advantage.
Short Range Consequence – leave pending investigation, possible termination based on evidence.
Long Range Consequence – Cash handling procedures revamped. Accountability in administration’s hands rather than employee.  Limit the amount of cash on hand at any campus by requiring daily deposit to Central Admin Office.

TAC, Chapter 247, Rule 247.2 -1.7 The educator shall comply with state regulations, written local school board policies, and other state and federal laws.
Short Range Consequence – leave pending investigation, possible termination based on evidence.
Long Range Consequence – Revisit storage of technology.  Revisit keys and access to technology rooms.  Address procedures for each device, where, when and how they are distributed.  Consider GPS tracking for mobile devices.

TAC, Chapter 247, Rule 247.2 -1.10 The educator shall be of good moral character and be worthy to instruct or supervise the youth of this state.
Short Range Consequence – leave pending investigation, possible termination based on evidence.
Long Range Consequence – Staff training on behavior with students.  Discuss staffing concerns with coaches being opposite sex of athletes.  Limit one on one situations between staff and students of opposite gender.

TAC, Chapter 247, Rule 247.2 -2.2. The educator shall not harm others by knowingly making false statements about a colleague or the school system.
Short Range – Investigation, formal reprimand, discipline action, possible termination.
Long Range – Policy review, Training in proper behavior, Modify or create employee handbook include ethical issues.

TAC, Chapter 247, Rule 247.2 -2.4. The educator shall not interfere with a colleague's exercise of political, professional, or citizenship rights and responsibilities.
Short Range – Investigation, formal reprimand, discipline action, possible termination.
Long Range – Policy review, Training in proper behavior, Modify or create employee handbook include ethical issues.

In reflection, as ethical issue arise in a school district the question immediately comes to the forefront, “How could they let this happen?”  I actually think the greater question is what do we do now to ensure we do everything in our power for it not to be repeated.  Mistakes happen, sometimes even bad stuff happens without negligence and without the intent of administration.  Sometimes we just miss something that we should have caught.  But in my mind, with attention to detail comes reward.  We can ask good hard questions up front, and play the role of preventive administrator rather than the role of firefighter.  We should not be putting our fires all day long.  I think you get this with conversation, trust and a vehicle to address issues when they arise.

Ethical behavior is normal, or at least it should be.  I hope that as a leader in a school environment this is a top priority in hiring.  We are currently in a superintendent search and in the process the admin was asked what characteristics we were looking for in the next super of Childress ISD.  I actually offered something found in this assignment.  I believe good ethical behavior is part of a persons character, and cannot be separated from the work environment.  You either are ethical or nor not.  People make mistakes, we are human, but it is how we handle those mistakes where our character is shown.

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